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Illusive Man

Mass Effect's Illusive Man is digitally created concept art for the Mass Effect video game series. The Illusive Man, voiced by Martin Sheen, is one of the main characters in this computer game trilogy. He is not a playable character and remains an enigma across multiple games. For a long time the player does not know if he can be trusted or what is agenda is.

The concept art image Illusive Man is made by BioWare artist Matt Rhodes. The image also served as the campaign image for the 'Art of Games' exhibition in the Smithsonian in 2012. This original digital fine art print is hand-numbered, proofed and signed via label by the artist Matt Rhodes.


BioWare is a Canadian video game developer. Best known for its Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, the company has built a large and diverse portfolio since its founding in 1995.

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Each of us needs to be willing to die to save humanity. Anything less... and they've already won!

Thomas Pringle