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Dave Rapoza

Dave Rapoza (1987) is an American concept and comic artist known for his work on Spider-Man and Spider-Verse covers for Marvel comics, on Magic the Gathering cards and the Clayde's Six comic for Destiny2.

Together with Dan Warren, he wrote and drew the Steve Lichman comics, a series of comical (non-)adventures of a lich king trapped in a dungeon.

Dave Rapoza grew up in Carver, Massachusetts (US), and - in lieu of a formal art education he could apply to - learned the trade through self-study.

After high school, his career as an artist was off to a bumpy start. A grand larceny charge against him for the online sales of stolen goods was dropped at the final moment, inspiring Rapoza to use the 'time not spent in prison' to self-study, emulating his art peers online.

"My story is more lame than anything else", Rapoza said in interviews. "It is not a story about hardship, it is me being stupid and then not be stupid. Nothing would have happened for me if I didn't get the kick in the butt."

This moment would be defining, with Rapoza applying himself, finding peerage online to foster self-development, and honesty in self-reflection. A few years into a career of paid commissions, he suddenly withdrew from (concept) painting to work on his drawing skills.

"I ran into these (technical) problems over and over again. You always hit the same wall. If you don't recognize the problem, and if you are not willing to do the heavy lifting, the fundamental stuff, you deny yourself something great."

Limited edition prints by Dave Rapoza


Magic The Gathering Art Prints


"I pull a lot from my nostalgic memory"

Introducing Dave Rapoza, world builder.

Introducing Artist Dave Rapoza

Cook and Becker partners with Hasbro

Transformers, D&D, and Magic: The Gathering art inbound!

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