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The artwork 'Bitterblossom' is part of the official Magic: The Gathering fine art print collection by Cook and Becker and Wizards of the Coast and part of our exclusive Summer season MtG print drop.

Within the permanent midsommar of Lorwyn, storybook creatures great and small dance amongst the trees and through the meadows. But in those brief moments where the sun lies still across the horizon, a particular violet flower blooms. Wafting the aroma of mischief amongst those frolicking amongst its petals. 

Rebecca Guay's unmistakable style is captured beautifully within the artwork of Bitterblossom. In contrast to many Black Mana cards, Guay's use of soft watercolours brings the raven-locked fae creature to life and distills mischief and mayhem among its pastel palette. 

But wait, there's more!
  • One of the most elusive cards of all-time - Black Lotus - is the secret sixth print in our first season. But it’s not for sale! Anyone who orders an MtG 'Premium fine art print' will have a one-in-ten chance per print purchased to have an exclusive limited edition Black Lotus print included with their order for free.
  • So if you buy three giclee prints for example, you have a better chance of scoring a Black Lotus than if you buy just a single print. This goes by # of prints purchased, not by # of transactions (so you don't have to purchase all your prints separately).
  • Please note; our Black Lotus print is a limited edition run of 75 and once they’re gone, they’re gone—so if you want to give yourself a shot at scoring one, then don’t sleep on placing your order!
  • We hope that you enjoy the spirit of our official fine art print collection as much as your chosen prints—and we wish you luck in your Black Lotus pull!

Rebecca Guay

Rebecca Guay is a highly respected American artist within the Magic: The Gathering community. Her work is known for its delicate lines, vibrant colors, and atmospheric compositions, characterized by an unmistakably classical style that often relies on the use of watercolor paint.

Exclusive MTG Art Prints by Rebecca Guay


Magic The Gathering Art Prints