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Destiny Fine Art Print Collection


Destiny Fine Art Print Collection

Original concept art prints from Bungie's scifi masterpiece


03 Sep 2015 ⋅ 1 min read

The Destiny giclees are made from original digital concept art used in the production of Destiny and features images by concept artists Jesse van Dijk, Jaime Jones, Dorje Bellbrook, Ryan deMita, Kekai Kotaki and Joseph Cross.

Many concept artworks were created during the development of Destiny to help the Bungie team envision what the new world of Destiny could look like, to establish the desired overall tone of “Mythic Science Fiction,” and to lay down the foundations for a hopeful and inviting place that players would love to return to again and again.

Destiny Fine Art Print Collection

See what you can pull out of Rasputin. There's a joke in there somewhere