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The official Okami video game print collection consists of original, high quality giclee art prints of concept art for the classic adventure game.

Amaterasu (天照) in Japanese mythology is the goddess of the sun. Her full name is Amaterasu-ō-mi-kami (天照大神) which means: "the great God who shines in the heaven". She is regarded as a direct anchestor of the royal Japanese family. In the cult video game classic Okami, Amaterasu appears in the shape of a white wolf and Okami means "wolf" in Japanese. The player controls this wolf in a classic adventure game that structurally resembles Nintendo's classic Zelda series.

The adventure game Okami is probably most known for it's original, Japanese sumi-e inspired cel-shaded artwork though and it's Celestial Brush gameplay: a gesture-system used by the player to draw Japanese characters and shapes to perform miracles.

Japanese folklore
The game is set sometime in classical Japanese history. The game combines several Japanese myths, legends and folklore to tell the story of how the land was saved from the serpent Orochi and Yami ("darkness") by the Shinto sun goddess, named Amaterasu, who took the form of a white wolf.

The game was developed by Japanese Clover Studio and published by Capcom. The development studio does not exist anymore but the three Japanese artists that have been mostly responsible for the visual style of Okami are Takeyasu Sawaki, Kenichiro Yoshimura and Mari Shimazaki. Sawaki is reponsible for this image. Takeyasu Sawaki is a well-known character designer and art director, known for his work on Devil May Cry and the very special game that is his brainchild El Shaddai, Ascension of the Metatron. Takeyasu Sawaki exhibits regularly in international art galleries.

Apart from Okami, Kenichiro Yoshimura and Mari Shimazaki are also known for their fantastic character designs for video game Bayonetta and costumes for Soul Calibur.

Officially licensed collection
The official Okami video print collection consists of nine unique prints you can browse below. Click individual print titles for pricing details, finish options, availability, and sizes. Worldwide shipping.