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Square Enix

Square Enix is one of the biggest developers and publishers of video games worldwide, and has long maintained a significant influence on video game culture. One only has to look at the massive success of the studio's Final Fantasy franchise to understand how big, exactly: the series currently stands at 135 million units sold. But numbers don’t give you the whole story. Through the Final Fantasy games - and the engagement of the great Japanese artist Yoshitaka Amano, who shaped its distinguished style - and the equally successful Dragon Quest series, Square Enix has done much to introduce Japanese culture and aesthetics to a large Western audience. These games are teeming with Japanese characters, lore, myths, and pop-culture references.

As well as these games, Square Enix has a large portfolio of other, non-Japanese titles, with Tomb Raider and the legendary Space Invaders amongst its most famous names.

The Art and Design of FINAL FANTASY XV

When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come

The Art of Final Fantasy XV. Fusing Magic and Realism.

Read An Excerpt From Our Official FINAL FANTASY XV Art Book.

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